Style Guidelines for A & E Conference Papers, Q & A Sessions and Seminars
We ask that:
- Papers do not exceed prescribed words in length.
- All Submissions should be in MS Word 11 pt Times New Roman font, or a plain text file. No PDFs please!
- Include any graphics (at 300 dpi), audio files, video files, PowerPoint Presentations. It is essential that you own the copyrights for all of them to ensure inclusion in the published Proceedings. If you don’t own the copyright, please include written permission from the copyright holder with your submission.
- Remember to paginate your paper submissions.
- Please Email the full draft of your paper by email to:
Guidelines for the Format of the Papers
- NEW: Please type the Author’s Name and the Paper’s Working Title on the first line at the top of your first page. Keep the spaces to a minimum such as: “StevenWright-ConscienceInTheTales” We will name your file with that string of text (or something like it). If you want, you can put a version or a date on that same line such as: “StevenWright-ConscienceInTheTales rough-draft, 11/11/23” Please place a few returns after this important first line, and then repeat Title and Author as described below:
- Title
- Author
- Use Italics type for all book names.
- Limit quotations to one paragraph to comply with “Fair Use” of copyright material. Longer quotations must have written permission from the copyright holder; however, this does not apply with Gurdjieff’s publications.
- All quotations and references of ‘hearsay’ must be referenced with author/title/edition/page number. “Absolute accuracy”[1] is required. The Conference uses the 1950 Edition of The Tales.
- Indent quotations.
Guidelines for Submitting Transcripts of the Q & A Sessions
- Participant names are not required.
- All Submissions should be in MS Word 11 pt Times New Roman font, or a plain text file.
- Please Email your finished transcription by email to:
Example Format of a Q&A Session and Seminar
Title of Paper – Questions and Answers
Presenter Name
Questioner 1: Text of question….
[blank line]
Presenter Name: Answer to question….
[blank line]
Questioner 2: Text of question….
[blank line]
Presenter Name: Answer to question….